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IV. One compartment I.V. bolus


=> To understand the assumptions associated with the one compartment model

=> To understand the properties of first order kinetics and linear models

=> To write the differential equations for a simple pharmacokinetic model

=> To recognize and use the integrated equations for a one compartment linear model

=> To define, use, and calculate the parameters, kel, t1/2, V, and AUC as they apply to a one compartment linear model

Definition: Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug and/or metabolite kinetics in the body. It deals with a mathematical description of the rates of drug movement into, within and exit from the body. It also includes the study of drug metabolism or biotransformation rates. The body is a very complex system and a drug undergoes many steps as it is being absorbed, distributed through the body, metabolized or excreted (ADME).

Diagram IV-1, Drug Disposition

The drug also interacts with receptors and causes therapeutic and/or toxic responses. Although the details of drug kinetics are complicated it is fortunate that we can often approximate drug kinetic processes using "simple" mathematical models.

This page was last modified: 12 February 2001

Copyright 2001 David W.A. Bourne

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