Homework Assignment 1995 - 2 (Answers)

Problem 3

kelnormal = 0.18 hr-1

fenormal = 0.75

Thus: kenormal = 0.18 x 0.75 = 0.135 hr-1

and kmnormal = 0.18 - 0.135 = 0.045 hr-1

Now kerenal patient = kenormal/5 = 0.135/5 = 0.027 hr-1

and kmrenal patient = kmnormal = 0.045 hr-1

kelrenal patient = 0.027 + 0.045 = 0.072 hr-1

t1/2 went from 3.85 hr to 9.63 hr


Parameter Value Unit
kerenal patient 0.027 hr-1
kelrenal patient 0.072 hr-1