WinNONLIN Professional Instructions
- Start WinNONLIN Professional from the Start Menu
- Click on the New icon
- Enter data into the Data window
A B (- columns in data window
1 8.0
2 5.0
3 2.6
5 0.9
6 0.56
- Click on the Compartmental Model icon, select Compiled Models, Choose Pharmacokinetic Model Types, Model 1
- Select Data Variables, drag A to X variable and B to Y variable fields, select weighting by 1/(Y*Y), and check no scaling of weights
- Click on the Model Parameter icon, select User Supplied Bounds, enter for volume 20, 2, 200 for initial, lower, and upper and for kel enter 0.5, 0.1, 2.5
- Click on the Dosing Regimen icon, enter Dose #1 as 250
- Click on the Start Modeling icon