SAAM II v1.1.1 Macintosh Instructions
- Start Compartmental SAAM II
- Click on 'Compart' symbol, click on window
- Click on 'Compart' symbol, click on window again to create two circles, 1 & 2
- Double click on circle 1, enter Body as the Reference Name
- Double click on circle 2, enter Sink as the Reference Name
- Click on 'Flux', click on circle 1 and then on circle 2
- Double click on k(2,1), enter kel as the Reference Name
- Click on 'Experiment', enter hours for Units, and 6.0 for End at
- Select tracer and enter Drug in the next dialog box
- Click on 'Sample', click on circle 1 and click on the window
- Double click on s1 and enter mg/l for Units and Cp for Data Name and s1 = q1/V (adding /V) for the Equation
- Ignore the warning dialog about defining the data (for now)
- Click on input, click on circle 1 and click on the window
- Double click on ex1 and enter mg for Units, Dose for Name, select Type Bolus, enter 250 for Initial Amount, and click Add
- Select the Show menu, item Data, enter into the Data Window
(FSD 0.05)
t Cp
1 8.0
2 5.0
3 2.6
5 0.9
6 0.56
- Select the Show menu, item Parameters, for V select Type Adjustable, enter 20 for Current Value, 2 for Low Limit, and 200 for High Limit, click on save, click on kel, click on edit select Type Adjustable, enter 0.5 for Current Value, 0.1 for Low Limit, and 2.5 for High Limit, click on save
- Select the Show menu, item Plot, X-axis t; Y-axis s1 : Cp
- Select the Compute menu, item Solve, then item Fit
- Select the Show menu, items Table, Plot, Statistics for results.