PHAR 7633 Fall 1999


OU HSC College of Pharmacy

Second Exam 12 November 1999  

Section TWO. True/False Check the Correct Response. 7 x 3 = 21 points

Q2.1 Version A. If a Scatchard plot is not a straight line we might assume that there is only one type of binding site.

Q2.1 Version B, D. If a Scatchard plot is a curved line we can assume that there is only one type of binding site.

Q2.2 Version A. Q2.1 Version C. Phase I metabolic processes include oxidation, hydrolysis and conjugation.

Q2.2 Version B, D. Phase I metabolic processes include oxidation, hydrolysis and reduction.

Q2.3 Version A, C. The proximal tubule of the nephron is the region of the kidney where many acidic drugs are actively secreted.

Q2.4 Version B, D. The distal tubule of the nephron is the region of the kidney where many acidic drugs are actively secreted.

Q2.4 Version A. Q2.5 Version C. At steady state (during equal dose, equal interval multiple drug administration) accumulation stops because the amount of drug eliminated during the dosing interval is the same as the dose given at each dose time.

Q2.5 Version A, D. Drugs may be described as flow limited when the total intrinsic liver clearance is much lower than liver blood flow.

Q2.5 Version B. Q2.6 Version C. Drugs may be described as flow limited when the total intrinsic liver clearance is much larger than liver blood flow.

Q2.6 Version A, D. A drug will be extensively removed by hemodialysis if it has poor water solubility, very little protein binding, and a large apparent volume of distribution.

Q2.6 Version B. A drug will be extensively removed by hemodialysis if it has good water solubility, very little protein binding, and a small apparent volume of distribution.

Q2.7 Version A. Most drugs which are tightly bound to plasma protein tend to stay in the blood and thus have relatively low apparent volumes of distribution.

Q2.3 Version B. Q2.2 Version C. Facilitated membrane transport of a drug can move drug from low to high concentrations more quickly because of the involvement of a drug carrier.

Q2.3 Version D. Facilitated membrane transport of a drug can move drug from high to low concentrations more quickly because of the involvement of a drug carrier.

Q2.7 Version B. A Dettli plot that passes through the origin indicates a drug that is excreted entirely as unchanged drug.

Q2.4 Version C. Enteric coated tablets are designed to dissolve quickly in the stomach since some drugs are not stable in high pH solutions of the intestine.

Q2.7 Version C. The value of tmax observed after oral administration is independent of F and ka.

Q2.7 Version D. With only oral data it is not possible to determine separate values for F and V.

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Copyright 1999 David W.A. Bourne