** FINAL OUTPUT FROM Boomer (v2.7.7) **      22-Apr-1999 ---  2:55:15 pm

 Title:  Fit to two lines simultaneously                             
 Input: From Ch9905b.BAT                                                     
 Output:  To Ch9905b.OUT                                                     
 Data for [Drug] came from Ch9905bp.DAT                                                    
 Data for Drug in Urine came from Ch9905bu.DAT                                                    
 Fitting algorithm: Simplex Method             
 Weighting for [Drug]          by 1/a*Cp(Obs )^b                                    
      With a = 0.2500E-02 and b =  2.000    
 Weighting for Drug in Urine   by 1/a*Cp(Obs )^b                                    
      With a =  25.00     and b = 0.0000    
 Numerical integration method: 2) Fehlberg RKF45                          
          with  2 de(s)
 With relative error   0.1000E-03
 With absolute error   0.1000E-03
 PC =   0.1000E-04

                    ** FINAL PARAMETER VALUES ***

  #  Name                  Value       S.D.       C.V. %  Lower <-Limit-> Upper

  1) ke                    0.14030                           0.00       10.    
  2) km                    0.68670E-01                       0.00       10.    
  3) V                      25.044                           0.10      0.10E+03

 AIC =   -1.28234     Final WSS =   0.594421    
               R-squared =    1.000     Correlation Coeff =    1.000    

 ** FINAL OUTPUT FROM Boomer (v2.7.7) **      22-Apr-1999 ---  2:55:15 pm

 Title:  Fit to two lines simultaneously                             
 Input: From Ch9905b.BAT                                                     
 Output:  To Ch9905b.OUT                                                     
 Data for [Drug] came from Ch9905bp.DAT                                                    
 Data for Drug in Urine came from Ch9905bu.DAT                                                    
 Fitting algorithm: DAMPING-GAUSS/SIMPLEX      
 Weighting for [Drug]          by 1/a*Cp(Obs )^b                                    
      With a = 0.2500E-02 and b =  2.000    
 Weighting for Drug in Urine   by 1/a*Cp(Obs )^b                                    
      With a =  25.00     and b = 0.0000    
 Numerical integration method: 2) Fehlberg RKF45                          
          with  2 de(s)
 With relative error   0.1000E-03
 With absolute error   0.1000E-03
 DT =   0.1000E-02     PC =   0.1000E-04 Loops =     1
 Damping =     1

                    ** FINAL PARAMETER VALUES ***

  #  Name                  Value       S.D.       C.V. %  Lower <-Limit-> Upper

  1) ke                    0.14030      0.465E-03  0.33      0.00       10.    
  2) km                    0.68667E-01  0.627E-03  0.91      0.00       10.    
  3) V                      25.045      0.159      0.63      0.10      0.10E+03

 AIC =   -1.28234     Final WSS =   0.594421    
               R-squared =    1.000     Correlation Coeff =    1.000    

 Model and Parameter Definition

  #  Name                    Value       Type From To     Dep  Start Stop

  1) Dose                =   600.0        1    0    1       0    0    0
  2) ke                  =  0.1403        2    1    2       0    0    0
  3) km                  =  0.6867E-01    2    1    0       0    0    0
  4) V                   =   25.04       18    1    1       0    0    0
  5) ONE                 =   1.000       18    2    2       0    0    0

 Data for [Drug]          :-

 DATA #   Time       Calculated     Observed      (Weight)   Weighted residual

     1   0.5000       21.5802       21.5000      0.930233     -0.746492E-01
     2    1.000       19.4393       19.4000       1.03093     -0.405125E-01
     3    2.000       15.7735       15.8000       1.26582      0.335150E-01
     4    3.000       12.7990       12.7000       1.57480     -0.155946    
     5    6.000       6.83786       6.84000       2.92398      0.624350E-02
     6    9.000       3.65312       3.70000       5.40541      0.253394    
     7    12.00       1.95168       1.95000       10.2564     -0.171955E-01

     WSS for data set  1 =   0.9720E-01
               R-squared =   0.9997     Correlation Coeff =    1.000    

 Data for Drug in Urine   :-

 DATA #   Time       Calculated     Observed      (Weight)   Weighted residual

     1   0.5000       39.9647       41.5000      0.200000      0.307053    
     2    1.000       75.9646       76.6000      0.200000      0.127077    
     3    2.000       137.604       140.500      0.200000      0.579160    
     4    3.000       187.620       187.000      0.200000     -0.124014    
     5    6.000       287.856       287.000      0.200000     -0.171271    
     6    9.000       341.407       341.000      0.200000     -0.814941E-01
     7    12.00       370.017       370.000      0.200000     -0.341797E-02

     WSS for data set  2 =   0.4972    
               R-squared =    1.000     Correlation Coeff =    1.000    

 Maximum value for [Drug]          is      21.500     at      0.5000    

 Calculation of AUC and AUMC based on trapezoidal rule

 AUC and AUMC for [Drug]          using Observed data

       Time         Concentration      AUC             AUMC

     0.500000         21.5000    
     ** Note that first time point is not zero **
      1.00000         19.4000         10.2250         7.53750    
      2.00000         15.8000         27.8250         33.0375    
      3.00000         12.7000         42.0750         67.8875    
      6.00000         6.84000         71.3850         186.598    
      9.00000         3.70000         87.1950         298.107    
      12.0000         1.95000         95.6700         383.157    
                                      105.002         539.795    

 MRT =      5.1408    

 Calculation of AUC and AUMC using Method 9 of R.D. Purves

 AUC and AUMC for [Drug]          using Observed data

       Time         Concentration      AUC             AUMC

     0.500000         21.5000    
     ** Note that first time point is not zero **
      1.00000         19.4000         10.2160         7.61827    
      2.00000         15.8000         27.7545         33.6262    
      3.00000         12.7000         41.9481         68.8521    
      6.00000         6.84000         70.3573         192.326    
      9.00000         3.70000         85.6879         304.966    
      12.0000         1.95000         93.8846         389.727    
                                      103.216         546.365    

 MRT =      5.2934    

Plots of observed (*) and calculated values (+)
           versus time for [Drug]         . Superimposed points (X)

    21.58      Linear                      21.58      Semi-log
 | +                                     | +                                   
 | *                                     | *                                   
 |                                       |   X                                 
 |                                       |                                     
 |   X                                   |      X                              
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |         X                           
 |                                       |                                     
 |      X                                |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |         X                             |                                     
 |                                       |                  X                  
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                  X                    |                           X         
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                           X           |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                    X  |                                    X
 |_____________________________________  |_____________________________________
    1.950                                  1.950    
 0              <-->             12.     0              <-->             12.    
 Plot of Std Wtd Residuals (X)         Plot of Std Wtd  Residuals (X)
   versus time for [Drug]                versus calcd Cp(i) for [Drug]         

    1.090                                  1.090    
 |                          X            |   X                                 
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |    X                                  |                         X           
 0=================X===================  0========X============================
 |                                    X  |X                                    
 | X                                     |                                X    
 |X                                      |                                    X
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |       X                               |                   X                 
 |                                       |                                     
  -0.6708                                -0.6708    
     0.50       <-->             12.          2.0       <-->             22.    
Plots of observed (*) and calculated values (+)
           versus time for Drug in Urine  . Superimposed points (X)

    370.0      Linear                      370.0      Semi-log
 |                                    +  |                                    +
 |                                    *  |                                    *
 |                                       |                           X         
 |                           X           |                                     
 |                                       |                  X                  
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                  X                    |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |         X                           
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |      X                              
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |         X                             |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |      *                                |                                     
 |      +                                |   X                                 
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |   X                                   |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 | X                                     | X                                   
 |_____________________________________  |_____________________________________
    39.96                                  39.96    
 0              <-->             12.     0              <-->             12.    
 Plot of Std Wtd Residuals (X)         Plot of Std Wtd  Residuals (X)
   versus time for Drug in Urine         versus calcd Cp(i) for Drug in Urine  

    2.491                                  2.491    
 |    X                                  |          X                          
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |X                                      |X                                    
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 | X                                     |   X                                 
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 0====================================X  0====================================X
 |                                       |                                     
 |       X                  X            |                X               X    
 |                 X                     |                           X         
 |                                       |                                     
  -0.7368                                -0.7368    
     0.50       <-->             12.          40.       <-->            0.37E+03
 Plot of Std Wtd Residuals (X)        Plot of Std Wtd  Residuals (X)
   versus time for all data              versus calcd Cp(i) for all data       

    2.491                                  2.491    
 |    X                                  |             X                       
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |X                                      |   X                                 
 |                          X            |X                                    
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 | X                                     |       X                             
 |                                       |                                     
 |    X                                  | X                                   
 0=================X==================X  0X===================================X
 |XX                                     | X                                   
 |       X                  X            |                  X              X   
 |       X         X                     | X                         X         
 |                                       |                                     
  -0.7368                                -0.7368    
     0.50       <-->             12.          2.0       <-->            0.37E+03