Fitting Multiple Lines with SAAM II

It is possible to fit multiple data sets or lines with SAAM II just as with Boomer. To do this you need to specify the name of the lines in the Sampling dialog window.

The dialog box for s1.
Note the Associate with Data Name is Cp. Also note, the equation s1 = q1/V. That is, sample 1 (s1) is q1/V.

The dialog box for s2.
Note the Associate with Data Name is U.

The information in the Data Window looks like:

(FSD 0.1)
t Cp
          0.80	         19.90
          1.00	         16.82
          1.50	         16.77
          2.00	         15.09
          2.50	         15.51
          3.00	         13.08
          4.00	         12.58
          5.00	         11.39
          6.00	          9.95
          9.00	          7.14
         12.00	          5.86
(SD 2.5)
t U
          1.00	           9.3
          2.00	          18.3
          4.00	          35.8
          6.00	          58.8
          9.00	          66.9
         12.00	          81.3
         24.00	         102.3
         36.00	         126.8
         48.00	         127.7
Notice that the table headings are t Cp and t U matching the Data Names defined above for Cp and U. Also notice that different weighting schemes or value are possible.