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Tutorial 13.2 - Entering Data Weight Values

The PHAR 7633 Project data sets include time, data, and standard deviation for each data point. Instead of using a weighting scheme you could enter the weight for each data point explicitly. When entering data from the keyboard this means choosing the option to enter the weight along with the x and y values. Changes in brown and additions in green.
 Enter description for this analysis: Entering Weight with Data

 Enter data from

 0) Disk file      2) ...including weights
 1) Keyboard       3) ...including weights

 Enter Choice (0-3) 3

 Enter data for [Drug]         
      Enter x-value (time) = -1 to finish data entry

 X-value (time) 0.5
 Y-value (concentration) 83.4
 Wt-value 8.1

 X-value (time) 1.0
 Y-value (concentration) 74.5
 Wt-value 7.2
 ... (more data here)
  X-value (time) 6
 Y-value (concentration) 31.2
 Wt-value 2.9

 X-value (time) -1
And the .bat entries look like:
Entering Weight with Data                                   
    3                             Data from disk or keyboard         
   .5000                          X value                            
   83.40                          Y value                            
   8.100                          Wt value                           
   1.000                          X value                            
   74.50                          Y value                            
   7.200                          Wt value                           


   6.000                          X value                            
   31.20                          Y value                            
   2.900                          Wt value                           
  -1.000                          X value                            
Don't forget to remove the weight question lines (marked in red) later in the bat file.
    0                             Continue or save data              
    2                             Weight type                        
    2                             Weight type                        
    2                             Weight type 
    0                             AUC line number                    

The weight values entered above can be calculated as 1/(variance) = 1/(standard deviation)2 using a calculator or spreadsheet.

Figure 13.2.1t Spreadsheet with the Data entered. Note the formula for Variance

Figure 13.2.2t Spreadsheet with the Data entered. Note the formula for Weight

Figure 13.2.3t Spreadsheet with two cells highlighted before Fill Down

Figure 13.2.4t Spreadsheet with cells highlighted after Fill Down

Does this help? Let me know if you find any mistakes or unclear sections. David Bourne

P.S. You can download my Excel Spreadsheet here.