R Stress Demo
Find my other Apps, eBooks and an AppleTV app at https://www.pharmpk.com/MyeBooks.html
27 Oct 2016
Uploaded version 1.0.3 to the Apple iOS App Store for TestFlight.
Stress survey data can now be uploaded to a database.
21 Oct 2016
Uploaded version 1.0.2 to the Apple iOS App Store for TestFlight. Approved for TestFlight.
Added active task: Two types of tremor measurements
- Output x, y, and z data to textField
- Display x, y and z data as charts
- Email raw data and charts
12 Oct 2016
Uploaded version 1.0.1 to the Apple iOS App Store for TestFight. Approved for TestFlight.
Consent requested. Multiple consent form sections can be customized as required
Consent, sharing and signature image captured
Different question type, sliding scale, ten stress related questions.
Added location question to the survey
Results sent by email
Reminder to run program, tap to launch, could be included in email or text to iPhone, iPad
3 June 2016
Uploaded version 1.0 to Apple iOS App Store. Approved for TestFlight.
R Stress Demo (RStressD) is a demonstration of ResearchKit functionality. This app provides a simple ten question stress related survey. Also uses ResearchKit for consent form. Version 1.0.2 provides an example of an active task. Measuring tremor using the phone's sensors.
A few screen shots
Informed Consent
Stress Survey
Tremor Test
References and More Information
To Do
Transfer of data to secure server (e.g. ATSOP)
Customize consent and survey questions as required
Encryption of data
Account set-up to explore
Informed Consent (http://researchkit.org/docs/docs/InformedConsent/InformedConsent.html)
Explore other survey type questions (http://researchkit.org/docs/docs/Survey/CreatingSurveys.html)
Explore active task types for inclusion in study. e.g. Motor activity, fitness, cognition, voice, audio, hand dexterity (http://researchkit.org/docs/docs/ActiveTasks/ActiveTasks.html)