Updated for iOS 12 and iPhones Xr, Xs, Xs Max.
Added additional locations
Added Web view filled with location url or https://www.southeast-aurora.com/
Expanded auto-fill capability
Added more locations
Updated locations
Replaced shake gesture with Setting/Menu buttons
Added GPS lock indication to the AR browse area function
Added auto-complete entry of a location for walking directions
Added more locations
Changed label to black on white background for better legibility
Added more locations
Change shake to move to Settings page
Added GPS location notification
Added setting for closest, farthest vertical spacing and font size
Added shake to return to start page
Added additional points of interest
A video
SE Aurora, South East Aurora, is an augmented reality app for the iPhone puts that business labels in the camera view. Locations in Southlands Mall and surrounding area, based on geo location data used for the website site https://www.southeast-aurora.com. Walking directions from your location to a listed business or other POI are provided. When applicable the app will transitino to the POI website for more information.
Auto-fill now includes type of POI and other options such ATMs.
With Browse Area it can take a few seconds for the GPS to capture the user location before moving slightly to start displaying the labels. If you enter a location in the text field auto-complete will provide potential POIs to select. Click above the Browse Area button to see the Get Directions and Info butto. Again, it will take a few seconds to get a good GPS location.
For Browse Area, you can adjust the nearest and farthest points of interest on the settings page. The vertical distance between labels can also be adjusted. Changing the font size can help viewing the labels as well. Settings are saved between use of the app.