IV Infusion - Example Calculations

After an IV Infusion - Linear One Compartment Model

Question 1. Calculate the infusion rate required to maintain a desired drug concentration of 6 mg/L and an IV bolus dose to achieve that concentration rapidly. Assume a one compartment pharmacokinetic model. The kel and V values for this drug are 0.27 hr-1 and 41.9 L respectively.
Question 2. Calculate the fast infusion rate (over 90 min) required to achieve a desired drug concentration of 40 mg/L and a slow IV infusion rate to maintain that concentration. Assume a one compartment pharmacokinetic model. The kel and V values for this drug are 0.176 hr-1 and 46.9 L respectively.
Question 3. A drug has been given at an infusion rate of 6 mg/hr for 30 min. Two drug concentration values determined at 1.25 hr and 15 hr after the start of the infusion were 0.106 and 0.017 mg/L, respectively. Assuming a one compartment model applies for this drug estimate the elimination rate constant, elimination half-life, apparent volume of distribution and the total body clearance for the drug.

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The Equations:

Cp versus time after an IV infusion - CL

Equation 15.2.1 Drug Concentration after an IV Infusion

Last update: Mon 9 Sep 2024 03:39:29 pm
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