Two compartment IV Bolus - Example Calculations
Micro to Macro Constants
Question 1.
A drug follows first order (i.e. linear) two compartment pharmacokinetics. After looking in the literature we find a number of parameter values for this drug. These numbers represent the micro constants for this drug. In order that we can calculate the drug concentration after a single IV bolus dose these parameters need to be converted into values for the macro constants.
The Clearance and V1 for this drug in this patient are 6.7 L/hr and 36.7 L, respectively.
The k12 and k21 values this drug are 1.06 and 3 hr-1, respectively. What is the plasma concentration of this drug 6 hours after a 150 mg, IV Bolus dose. In order to complete this calculation first calculate the appropriate A, B, α and β values.
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Some Equations:
Equation 30.1.1 Cp versus Time after an IV Bolus - Two compartment model
Equation 30.1.2 α plus β
Equation 30.1.3 α times β
Equation 30.1.4 α or β
Equation 30.1.5 A value
Equation 30.1.6 B value
Last update: Sat 27 Jul 2024 08:10:12 pm
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