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Example Calculations:

2. We can also calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters kel and V if we know the dose given and the plasma concentrations at two (or more) times after an I.V. bolus administration. This time we could use the equation:

ln Cp = ln Cp0 - kel*t

If Cp2 hours = 4.5 mg/liter and Cp6 hours = 3.7 mg/liter after a 400 mg I.V. bolus dose then:

= - 0.0489 hr- 1

thus kel = 0.0489 hr- 1

Now ln Cp 2 hr = ln Cp0 - kel * t

ln 4.5 = ln Cp0 - 0.0489 x 2

ln Cp0 = 1.504 + 0.098 = 1.602

Enter your own values into each field
IV Bolus Dose:
First concentration:
Time of first Cp value:
Second concentration:
Time of second Cp value:
kel is:
t1/2 is:
Cp0 is:
and V is:

If you get the Error Message Value is not a numeric literal or NaN this probably means that one of the required parameter fields is empty or a value is inappropriate.

This page was last modified: 12 February 2001

Copyright 2001 David W.A. Bourne

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