XXII. Pharmaceutics III Laboratory
XXII Pharmaceutics III Laboratory
Lecturer: Dr. D. Bourne (Room 307 - CPB)
Weekly Experiment
- Introduction
- Analysis of Drugs and Chemicals
- Extraction of Drugs
- One-Compartment Models: - IV Bolus
- One-Compartment Models: - Zero-order Input
- One-Compartment Models: - First-order Input
- Computer Applications: - Single Dose Simulations
- Article Review and Discussion: - Biopharmaceutics
- One-Compartment Models: - Multiple Dosing
- Computer Applications: - Multiple Dose
- Computer Applications: - Two Compartment
- Article Review and Discussion - Pharmacokinetics
- Computer Applications: - MacDope exercise
Although three hours are allocated for the laboratory sessions most of the
laboratory experiments (Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9) could require less time.
Each experiment will require an extensive written report with calculation of
parameter values. The preparation of the report and calculations can be
performed outside the laboratory.
to be turned in should include:
- Aims
- Methods - a brief description of the experiment
- Results - the raw data
- Analysis of the data - graphs with linear regression
- Conclusion - overall conclusion(s) from the experiment
This page was last modified: 12 February 2001
Copyright 2001 David W.A. Bourne