Time (hr) | Cp (mg/L) |
0.5 | 2.03 |
1 | 2.16 |
2 | 1.71 |
3 | 1.55 |
6 | 0.64 |
9 | 0.27 |
There is more information (which may help - it may be out of date) as part of an earlier homework set.
Assuming you have the program on your hard drive, double-click on the program icon (Windows or earlier Macintosh) or type boomer at the prompt (Macintosh OS X). You will see something like:
Boomer v3.3.2 Ref: Comput.Meth.Prog.Biomed.,29 (1989) 191-195 David W.A. Bourne OU College of Pharmacy 1110 N.Stonewall Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1223 U.S.A. Copyright 1986-2006 D.W.A. Bourne See http://www.boomer.org or email david@boomer.org for more info Based on the original MULTI by K. Yamaoka, et.al. J. Pharmacobio-Dyn., 4,879 (1981); ibid, 6,595 (1983); ibid, 8,246 (1985) DATA ENTRY 0) From KEYBOARD 1) From .BAT file -1) From .BAT file (with restart) 2) From KEYBOARD creating .BAT file 3) From .BAT file (quiet mode) -3) From .BAT file (quiet mode-with restart) 4) to enter data only 5) to calculate AUC from a .DAT file -8) Shareware Registration Information -9) to quit Enter choice (0-5, -1, -3, -8 or -9)
Enter choice (0-5, -1, -3, -8 or -9) 0 METHOD OF ANALYSIS 0) Normal fitting 1) Bayesian 2) Simulation only 3) Iterative Reweighted Least Squares 4) Simulation with random error 5) Grid Search -3) To run random number test subroutine -2) To close (or open) .BAT file -1) To finish Enter choice (-3 to 5) 0 Where do you want the output? 0) Terminal screen 1) Disk file Enter choice (0-2) 0 MODEL Definition and Parameter Entry * Allowed Parameter Types * -3) display choices -2) display parameters -1) to finish entry 0) Time interrupt 1) Dose/initial amount 2) First order rate 3) Zero order 4-5) Vm and Km of Michaelis-Menten 6) Added constant 7) Kappa-Reciprocal volume 8-10) C = a * EXP(-b * (X-c)) 11-13) Emax (Hill) Eq with Ec(50%) & S term 14) Second order rate 15-17) Physiological Model Parameters (Q, V, and R) 18) Apparent volume of distribution 19) Dummy parameter for double dependence 20-22) C = a * SIN(2 * pi * (X - c)/b) Special Functions for First-order Rate Constants 23-24) k = a * X + b 25-27) k = a * EXP(-b * (X - c)) 28-30) k = a * SIN(2 * pi * (X - c)/b) 31,32-33) dAt/dt = - k * V * Cf (Saturable Protein Binding) 34-36) k * (1 - Imax * C/(IC(50%) + C)) Inhibition 0 or 1st order 37-39) k * (1 + Smax * C/(SC(50%) + C)) Stimulation 0 or 1st order 40) Uniform [-1 to 1] and 41) Normal [-3 to 3] Probability 42) Switch parameter 43) Clone component Enter type# for parameter 1 (-3 to 43) 1 Enter parameter name Dose Enter Dose value 100 0) fixed, 1) adjustable, 2) single dependence or 3) double dependence 0 Enter component to receive dose 1 Input summary for Dose (type 1) Fixed value is 100.0 Dose/initial amount added to 1 Enter 0 if happy with input, 1 if not, 2 to start over 0 Enter type# for parameter 2 (-3 to 43) enter -3 to see choices Enter -1 to exit this section 2 Enter parameter name Rate Constant Enter Rate Constant value 0.2 0) fixed, 1) adjustable, 2) single dependence or 3) double dependence 1 Enter lower limit 0 Enter upper limit 5 Enter component to receive flux 0 Enter component to lose flux 1 Input summary for Rate Constant (type 2) Initial value .2000 float between .000 and 5.000 Transfer from 1 to 0 Enter 0 if happy with input, 1 if not, 2 to start over 0 Enter type# for parameter 3 (-3 to 43) enter -3 to see choices Enter -1 to exit this section 18 Enter parameter name Apparent Volume Enter Apparent Volume value 40 0) fixed, 1) adjustable, 2) single dependence or 3) double dependence 1 Enter lower limit 1 Enter upper limit 200 Enter data set (line) number 1 Enter line description [Drug] Enter component number (0 for obs x) 1 Input summary for Apparent Volume (type 18) Initial value 40.00 float between 1.000 and 200.0 Component 1 added to line 1 Enter 0 if happy with input, 1 if not, 2 to start over 0 Enter type# for parameter 4 (-3 to 43) enter -3 to see choices Enter -1 to exit this section -1 Method of Numerical Integration 0) Classical 4th order Runge-Kutta 1) Runge-Kutta-Gill 2) Fehlberg RKF45 3) Adams Predictor-Corrector with DIFSUB 4) Gears method for stiff equations with PEDERV 5) Gears method without PEDERV Enter choice (0-5) 2 Enter Relative error term for Numerical integration (0.0001) 0 Enter Absolute error term for Numerical integration (0.0001) 0 FITTING METHODS 0) Gauss-Newton 1) Damping Gauss-Newton 2) Marquardt 3) Simplex 4) Simplex->Damping GN Enter Choice (0-4) 4 Enter PC for convergence (0.00001) 0 Enter description for this analysis: Homework #1 Problem Number 460810378 Enter data from 0) Disk file 2) ...including weights 1) Keyboard 3) ...including weights Enter Choice (0-3) 1 Enter data for [Drug] Enter x-value (time) = -1 to finish data entry X-value (time) 0.5 Y-value (concentration) 2.03 X-value (time) 1 Y-value (concentration) 2.16 X-value (time) 2 Y-value (concentration) 1.71 X-value (time) 3 Y-value (concentration) 1.55 X-value (time) 6 Y-value (concentration) 0.64 X-value (time) 9 Y-value (concentration) 0.27 X-value (time) -1 Data for [Drug] DATA # Time Concentration 1 0.5 2.03 2 1 2.16 3 2 1.71 4 3 1.55 5 6 0.64 6 9 0.27 Do you want to 0) Accept data 1) Correct data point 2) Delete data point 3) Insert new data point 4) Add offset to x-value Enter choice (0-3) 0 Save Observed Data to Disk Module Data for [Drug] Select FORMAT for x-value 0) Don't save data 1) G14.1 2) G14.2 3) G14.3 4) G14.4 5) G14.5 6) G14.6 7) F14.0 8) F14.1 9) F14.2 10) F14.3 11) F14.4 12) F14.5 13) F14.6 Enter choice (0-13) 0 Weighting function entry for [Drug] 0) Equal weights 1) Weight by 1/Cp(i) 2) Weight by 1/Cp(i)^2 3) Weight by 1/a*Cp(i)^b 4) Weight by 1/(a + b*Cp(i)^c) 5) Weight by 1/((a+b*Cp(i)^c)*d^(tn-ti)) Data weight as a function of Cp(Obs) Enter choice (0-5) 2 Time Concentration Weight 0.5 2.03 0.2427 1 2.16 0.2143 2 1.71 0.342 3 1.55 0.4162 6 0.64 2.4414 9 0.27 13.7174 .2000 40.00 WSS -> 4.130 .1676 40.69 WSS -> 3.922 .1672 34.53 WSS -> 3.594 Progressive values of WSS Loop 1 - 1> 4.130 2> 3.922 3> 3.594 Loop 2 - 1> 2.233 2> 3.922 3> 3.594 Loop 3 - 1> 2.233 2> 1.612 3> 3.594 Loop 4 - 1> 2.233 2> 1.612 3> 1.256 ........ extra stuff here Loop 37 - 1> .4881E-01 2> .4881E-01 3> .4881E-01 Loop 38 - 1> .4881E-01 2> .4881E-01 3> .4881E-01 Loop 39 - 1> .4881E-01 2> .4881E-01 3> .4881E-01 Loop 40 - 1> .4881E-01 2> .4881E-01 3> .4881E-01 ........ extra stuff here including your answers Calculation of AUC and AUMC section 0) Exit this section 1) [Drug] Enter line # for required AUC (0- 1) 0 GRAPH OUTPUT 0) Continue without graphical output 1) Save data on disk for later graphing 2) Produce a printer plot now 3) Save for later and print now Enter choice (0-3) 2 METHOD OF ANALYSIS 0) Normal fitting 1) Bayesian 2) Simulation only 3) Iterative Reweighted Least Squares 4) Simulation with random error 5) Grid Search -3) To run random number test subroutine -2) To close (or open) .BAT file -1) To finishBefore you enter the final '-1' in the next step scroll back to record the answers, i.e. Rate constant, Apparent Volume and WSS values
Enter choice (-3 to 5) -1 Normal FinishPrint out the ouput from this analysis using a Courier 9 point font. Note the best fit or final values for the rate constant, the apparent volume and the WSS for entry on this website.
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