Pharmacy Gabber [645 K] teaches generic-trade equivalents and
pronunciation of pharmaceutical names, by Cole Kenneally. A version [60 K] which requires HyperCardTM is a smaller download.
Physical Pharmacy
Acid Base
Equilibria [77 K] by Richard Prankerd,
Department of Pharmacy, University of Queensland. This HyperCardTM stack is a
self-testing module on acid base equilibria in water.
Includes identification of functional group, acid or base, and type of acid or
Trough Simulation [44 K] by Richard Prankerd,
Department of Pharmacy, University of Queensland. This HyperCard stackTM is a
simulation of three Langmuir trough experiments.
Richard suggests using the right arrow instead of the 'Start' button. The
attached ReadMe file provides more information.
Formation [77 K] by Richard Prankerd,
Department of Pharmacy, University of Queensland. This HyperCardTM stack is a
simulation of micelle formation.
Punch Tablet Press [22 K]
by Richard Prankerd,
Department of Pharmacy, University of Queensland. This HyperCardTM stack is a
simulation of a single punch tablet press.
General Purpose
TestActive Design your own computerized interactive tests in minutes. This program converts exams (files) written with any word processing programs to a computerized/self-grading exam.
By ClinPharm International.
Whenever you download a file from the
Internet please consider the possibility of software viruses and check files that
you have downloaded. Although I will try to check all the software that I make
available from my ftp server
it is possible that an infected file may slip through.
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