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Example Calculations:

4. After an I.V. bolus dose of 500 mg the data collected in Table IV-3 were collected.

Table IV-3 Concentration versus Time Data
Time (hr) 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
Cp (mcg/ml) 72 51 33 20 14 9 4
Calculate kel and V.

Plot the data on semi-log graph paper (Figure IV-6) and determine Cp1, Cp2, t1 and t2.

Figure IV-6. Plot of Cp Versus Time on Semi-log Graph Paper After an I.V. Bolus Dose of 500 mg.

Enter your own values into each field
IV Bolus Dose:
First concentration:
Time of first Cp value:
Second concentration:
Time of second Cp value:
kel is:
t1/2 is:
Cp0 is:
and V is:

If you get the Error Message Value is not a numeric literal or NaN this probably means that one of the required parameter fields is empty or a value is inappropriate.

For practice you can plot these data collected after an IV bolus dose and estimate pharmacokinetic parameters. Compare your answers with the computer!

Use drug specific parameter values to estimate concentration versus time plots

This page was last modified: 3 May 2002

Copyright 2002 David W.A. Bourne

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