Pharmacokinetics - Biopharmaceutics
PHAR 7633 - PHAR 7632
University of Oklahoma - College of Pharmacy
Instructor: David W.A. Bourne, Ph.D., CPB 303
Class Meeting Time (PHAR 7632): Tuesday and Thursday in CPB 103 at 11:10 am to 12 noon
Class Meeting Time (PHAR 7633): Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in CPB 103 at 11:10 pm to 12:00 noon
Course Material and Textbook: Material to be covered in this course will include:
Exam Schedule for Fall 2001 (PHAR 7633):
- First semester exam - 11:10 am - Friday 14th September 2001 (CPB 103)
- Second semester Exam - 11:10 am - Friday 2nd November 2001 (CPB 103)
- FINAL Exam - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Thursday 13th December 2001 (CPB 103)
- Exam Equations in PDF or html format
- A student collection of formulas from 1999 (Page 1 - Page 2)
Quizzes - 2001
Homework for Fall 1999 (PHAR 7633):
Projects for Fall 2001 (PHAR 7633):
- Preliminary Data Analysis (Individual) due - 14th September 2001. This analysis should include graphs of the data on linear and/or semi-log graph paper.
- Group Presentation (Group) due - During the week of November 5th 2001 This is to be an in-class presentation of progress, approaches, pitfalls, expected outcome by one member of each group. Use of PowerPoint or overheads is encouraged.
- Monday, 5th November 2001
- Wednesday, 7th November 2001: Group B, C, E and F
- Friday, 9th November 2001: Groups A, D, G, and H
- Final Report (Individual) due - 28th November 2001. Submitted Report should include Title, Student Name, Data Sheet (page with problem), Brief summary, narrative description (with tables and figures as appropriate) of what was done to analyse the data and how the final analysis was derived. This should inclulde a discussion of the final choice of model and weighting scheme. The final (ONLY) 'best fit' output from the nonlinear regression program should be included with the report. This output should include a description of the model, final parameter values with statistics, final calculated and observed data with residuals, calculated and observed versus time plots and weighted residual versus time plots.
- On line resources
Windows version may be unstuffed or restored with Aladdin Systems Expander which you may need to download. Expanding may create two files. Ignore the xxx.bin file and open the other file after starting SAAM II compartmental (you will need to choose 'open all files'). Aladdin Systems Expander will expand both the Macintosh and the .sit/.zip version on Windows.
The files below and only starting points!! They are not final answers.
- Project A
- Boomer .BAT file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to four lines after an IV infusion. Macintosh, UNIX, and DOS versions of the .BAT as .sit files.
- SAAM II Data file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to four lines after an IV infusion. (Aladdin Stuffit file)
- Project B
- Boomer .BAT file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to data after IV and oral adminstration. Macintosh, UNIX, and DOS versions of the .BAT as .sit files.
- SAAM II Data file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to data after IV and oral adminstration. (Aladdin Stuffit file)
- Project C
Three data sets collected after a 25, 100, or 400 mg IV Bolus
- Boomer .BAT file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to three lines. Macintosh, UNIX, and DOS versions of the .BAT as .sit files.
- SAAM II Data file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to three lines. (Aladdin Stuffit file)
- Boomer .BAT file - One compartment model with sequential fit to three lines. (in this example the t1/2 is close to 60 hours so I gave the second dose at 336 hr and the third dose at 672 hr. Macintosh, UNIX, and DOS versions of the .BAT as .sit files.
- SAAM II Data file - One compartment model with sequential fit to three lines (in this example the t1/2 is close to 60 hours so I gave the second dose at 336 hr and the third dose at 672 hr. (Aladdin Stuffit file)
- Project D
- Boomer .BAT file - One compartment model after an Multiple IV infusions. Macintosh, UNIX, and DOS versions of the .BAT as .sit files.
- SAAM II Data file - One compartment model after an Multiple IV infusions. (Aladdin Stuffit file)
- Project E
- Boomer .BAT file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to Cp and Heart Rate Data. Note the use of a baseline parameter (type 6). Macintosh, UNIX, and DOS versions of the .BAT as .sit files.
- SAAM II Data file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to Cp and Heart Rate Data. (Aladdin Stuffit file)
- Project F
- Boomer .BAT file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to data after IV and oral adminstration. Macintosh, UNIX, and DOS versions of the .BAT as .sit files.
- SAAM II Data file - One compartment model with simultaneous fit to data after IV and oral adminstration. (Aladdin Stuffit file)
- Project G
- Boomer .BAT file - One compartment model with multiple IV Bolus Doses. Macintosh, UNIX, and DOS versions of the .BAT as .sit files.
- SAAM II Data file - One compartment model with multiple IV Bolus Doses. (Aladdin Stuffit file)
- Project H
- Boomer .BAT file - Two compartment model with simultaneous fit to four lines after an IV infusion. Macintosh, UNIX, and DOS versions of the .BAT as .sit files.
- F-Table P = 0.05
Useful References
- Boxenbaum, H.G., Riegelman, S., and Elashoff, R.M. Statistical Estimation in Pharmacokinetics, J. Pharmacokin. Biopharm., 2(2), 123-148 (1974)
Other Course Resources:
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