JavaScript Calculators for PHAR 4634 OnLine
Chapter TWO
Calculation of 10
and e
Chapter FOUR
IV Bolus One Compartment Linear Model
Cp from Dose, Volume, kel, and time
IV Bolus One Compartment Linear Model
Volume and kel from two Cp values
IV Bolus One Compartment Linear Model
Required Dose
Chapter SIX
IV Infusion One Compartment Linear Model
Cp or k0 required for continuous infusion
IV Infusion One Compartment Linear Model
Cpss or k0 at steady state
Calculate Cp given k0, Bolus Dose, kel and V at time t
Calculate Cp given fast and slow k0, kel and V at time t
Calculate kel and V given post infusion Cp versus time data
Chapter EIGHT
Calculations Peak Time
Calculate a suitable multiple IV Bolus dose regimen to achieve specified Cp
and Cp
values at steady state
Calculate steady state Cp
and Cp
after multiple IV Bolus Doses
Calculations involving Cp average
Dosage Regimen Calculations based on Cpmax and Cpmin
Two compartment
Microconstants to Macroconstants
Two compartment
Macroconstants to Microconstants
Chapter TWENTY
Saturable Elimination
Average Concentration
Saturable Elimination
Determine Km and Vm
This page was last modified: 10 October 2001
Copyright 2001
David W.A. Bourne